Where random things are found...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Red Bull Illume 2006 Promo

Red Bull has an adventure sport photography contest every year called Red Bull Illume Image Quest. The submissions are quite amazing and are from some of the most talented action photographers I have ever seen. There usually is a nice promo device given away inside of each press release when they announce the contest for that year. I have received two so far. This one from 2006 and the new one for 2010. 2006 which is pictured above consisted of a hard plastic case (measuring 11.5"x14.5"x2"), 11x14 posters of the winner of each category from the previous year, a CD containing jpgs of those images and the press release, a kit to build a pinhole camera, and a roll of really nice 35mm color film. I originally thought the pinhole camera would be cheap and flimsy, but then I built it. It's really nice. It consists of thick, heavy-duty cardboard and plastic knobs/brackets. All the other pinhole cameras I have used in the past used photo paper inside where you could only load one picture to take. This one takes actual 35mm film which is really cool and useful. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures taken with it yet so I can't show you the results but there was a lot of pictures submitted to Illume taken with this camera and they are incredible. I never thought you could get such amazing shots with a pinhole camera but it makes sense since everything is in focus due to the lack of a lens.

Friday, January 15, 2010

ET Mask

As mentioned before, here's the ET mask. This thing is beyond creepy and it is part of a set believe it or not. Not only did Universal Studios decide to produce this atrocity it came with a costume and accessory. My mask is pretty beaten up and I don't know what ever happened to the rest of the set but I have found pictures of them for you. Well to start this thing is just plain creepy. What's with all the make-up and yellow highlights? It looks like they made ET into a drag queen and dumped it in a vat of nuclear waste.

[Image via Geek Orthodox]

They made this in 1982 and for some reason there was a big fad in wearing a mask and having a costume that consisted of an entire picture of the character you're trying to dress up as. Which is really the most retarded thing ever. Yeah I definitely look like Batman when I have a full body picture of Christian Bale on my shirt. They were extremely uncomfortable since the "shirt" which had long green sleeves was made of a cheap plastic that didn't really form right. It was like wearing a shopping bag that didn't let your skin breathe at all. Oh wait it gets better. Look at the nice accessory it comes with.

All right lets just get it out there now. The damn thing looks like a dildo that's modeled from an old man's penis. It's a rubber attachment that extends your finger by 3 inches longer. The one that came with the costume didn't light up which I always thought was stupid. Nice to know they actually made one though.

... still looks like a dildo.