Where random things are found...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Halo: Reach Wireless Headset

Continuing with the Halo theme for whatever reason that is, here's another Halo promo item. Having my 2nd wired headset break at the wire connection to the controller I had to look for another headset. I stayed away from wireless due to tales of their unreliability, but I'm fed up with wired controllers breaking. I found only two options the regular white Xbox 360 wireless headset and a Halo: Reach edition of it. They were the same price and I figured the Halo one being newer it should be better. Also it looked nicer.
Well I have no way to compare it to the normal one but this headset is pretty good. It blew my low expectations for a wireless mic out of the water. The sound quality is great and it still has the volume controls and mute ability as a wired headset would. I was surprised with the wireless range, I walked around the house while still talking to my LIVE Party with no problems at all. It came with two different sized earloops which is actually pretty comfortable. The Halo: Reach headset is donning a textured silver surface like it's matching controller (don't worry I don't have one, you won't hear about it). On the back side is a barcode printed with "Property of UNSC" above it. Along the mic is "7//65|59_234|97///" it's some sort of serial number that is also printed on the UNSC Crate and ONI Black box from the Legendary Edition. Not too sure what it means. It is also sporting the ONI logo with REACH labeled under it.
That's it for Halo, I promise you won't hear about it anymore... for a while at least. Now I have to go umm... do stuff that doesn't involve a certain game.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Halo: Reach - Legendary Edition

"Big Box of Crack"
Hmm... I wonder why this post is a week late. Oh yeah, I picked up what I like to call a "Big Box of Crack". The Halo: Reach Legendary Edition is massive. Just check out the scale next to a controller. There is so much inside that I will actually say it is worth it. Along with all the physical goodies inside you get, a bunch of downloadable codes. This included the famous Flaming Head armor effect, that Bungie kept for themselves in Halo 3. A little Falcon (helicopter) and Reach Edition 360 Controller for your LIVE avatar. An exclusive Officer armor for your Elite and a Recon Helmet for your Spartan in multiplayer. And a 2-hour long behind-the-scenes documentary that is accessed through Halo Waypoint. That's already a lot and that was just on two cardboard cards.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Halo Legends DVD

I've been wanting to review this one for quite a while now and since we're less than a week away from the release of Halo Reach this seems appropriate. I just wrote the review on this while I was re-watching it, but it got corrupted when I was transferring to my other computer. So I'm most likely going to forget a lot of the things I wanted to talk about and I'm kind of pissed about that. I'm going to try to avoid spoiling anything but some stuff I just need to mention.  To begin you have to keep in mind that I don't view these stories of actually ever happening within the Halo universe (except Origins I and II). There is just too many contradictions and overall weirdness that makes me believe they never were intended to take place.
For some reason Target got an exclusive Senitype with Warner Brothers on the DVD release. A Senitype is a single CGI frame from the film footage on a 35mm reproduction placed inside a postcard with concept art on it. The Senitype of on the right here is of the concept art of the Booster Frame from "The Package" along with a frame featuring it. I guess that's kind of cool to get along with the 2 disc special edition.

More review after the jump.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Away for too long...

Wow, I haven't posted in a while. Life has been pretty busy lately. I'm going to try to be better about it now that I'm more on a weekly routine. See how long I can keep it alive this time. Look out for new posts because hopefully I will be writing them.