Where random things are found...

Friday, September 26, 2014

Let's Play Wolfenstein - Part 18 - Stealth Stabby Stabbies

BJ Blazkowicz is still exploring an experimental hospital where some invisible jerk keeps stabbing him.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Stone Protectors - Cornelius the Samurai action figure

While cleaning out the basement I came across a bag of old toys that I forgot I had. One of them was Cornelius the Samurai from the Stone Protectors series. Stone Protectors was Ace Novelty Toy Company's attempt at marketing Troll dolls to young boys. They tried to copy the popularity of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and failed miserably. The toys had 2 Series totaling 14 figures and 4 vehicles. They were on the same scale as TMNT figures and the gem sparked when you rotated the right arm. They even had those odd elbows with swivel joints so both the arms and legs were permanently bent.

This is the only figure I remember seeing and owning from this series. He was most likely picked up from the bargain bin at KB Toys that was always filled with some of the best toys for cheap. I remember playing with this figure alongside my TMNT figures, and I loved this figure for some reason. I wish I could explain what it is that I liked most about him. Maybe it was his slanted Guile-like hair, or his weird white suit. The way he seems to just radiate Mikey's personality for some reason. It could've simply been how his jewel sparked that radioactive green color.

Stone Protectors was definitely one of those unsung heroes that were just trying jump on the band wagon but fell short. Turns out they did have a 13 episode cartoon and a SNES/Genesis game. Who knew?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Let's Play Wolfenstein - Part 17 - Locker Gold

Continuing my play through from 2009, BJ Blazkowicz is sent on a mission by the Golden Dawn... again. Now he has to go investigate rumors of missing patients from a hospital.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Let's Play Wolfenstein - Part 16 - Scheiss Nazis & Hostages

Big surprise we get sent on another errand mission for someone else. Forget about our own mission, let's go to the SS Paranormal Base to save a bunch of people instead. ----------------------------------- Let's Play with Trivia Twitter: https://twitter.com/JaKeAsS77

Friday, September 5, 2014

Let's Play Wolfenstein - Part 15 - SS Headquarters

Helping out the Golden Dawn, we assault the SS Headquarters to find the location of the missing agents.